Thursday, June 25, 2020

Wrong People and Wrong Forms

I remember for many months you called the Odd Project Wrong Children and it nearly stuck.
One of the things on the projects that we struggled with was Wrong People.

This is what they did:

1. They assumed that everyone needed everything explaining to them: The Label Incident
2. They didn't understand that art had its own history and structure and the form of the art mattered. Kate Genever talked about the drawing pin moment.
3. They thought youth work was more important than art. I think this was fundamental in Taking Yourself Seriously.
4. They thought social science was the world and the flaky art world was not for them.
5. They thought the Floor was the world and the people who didn't get aesthetics were dull.

This is a bit negative but it makes me think about the importance of the Barthes quote, a new object that belongs to no one. it also helps me see how changing the form can be important.

Here is where the form changed for me:

1. When I sat with Marcus in a room trying to plan Language as Talisman and I was waiting for some young people to leave and then I realised they were part of the planning team.
2. When me and Patrick and the youth worker went to Bristol and changed our presentation on the train and the academics didn't want to look at how to stop young people dying of knife crime.
3. I will not mention the pebble incident.
4. When you said in the Museum in Barnsley about value being different for different people.
5. When Richard did his blog on fishing - it seemed to create a space for us all to come in and then it led to Hypertext which led to this book.

I think it would be good to make the form piece not just the usual 'intellectual ideas come in lots of forms' but something about moving through the form. The Holding Form might be a good place to start and also the Barthes quote. We could
work WITH form to discuss form.


  1. I liked calling ODD the wrong children project - wrong is a good word. I'm tired today - hearing everyone talk through snippets of theory made me worried I'd gone to deep into theory - Like I'd gone boring. Perhaps the only real thing we had in our project was that they were not boring - mundane or banal not even everyday - they were spectacular spectacular .

    yes but what happens in the end?

  2. The form was too short. I just had a nice talk with my student Yvonne Sinclair about reading Glissant - she got a lot from the reading group.
